A basic Create, read, delete and update application using laravel, html, css and mysql with the following functionalities:- 1) Create a page which will enable a user to input some basic details like user name, academy name, timeslots, images, email, phone, tags(Multiple), description, latitude and longitude. Store this in the database and query using eloquent only. Use laravel model classes and controllers strictly. Use mysql database. 2) Create another page called explore and use google maps api to show all the academies from the database (Using the latitude and longitude) 3) When ever someone clicks on the academy in the map redirect to a view page where the user can see all the details of the academy, trigger an email to the admin as soon as someone views this page (Create a new email account to do this, we will need the credentials to verify it) 4) The email could have anything in it. Use View class to compose the email. -
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