Goals/OKRs are tracked across teams – some quantitative and some qualitative. However, there is no systematic mechanism for efficient goal-setting. As a team member, this app template can be utilised to set your personal goals, update progress and importantly, save notes directly from Teams or any other application as a link so that you don't have to scramble to get the evidence of work done, praises that you got for your work or anything relevant for any review! As a manager, you can set your teams goals in addition to your personal goals. Team members can align their personal goals to team goals. A simple bot command can help you to view the progress against your team goals. Team goal progress is automatically updated according to the updates on personal goals by your team members. Additionally, this Microsoft Teams app also notifies your entire team to update progress as per the frequency selected and maintains the history of your goals up to 1 year. - View it on GitHub